Group of business owners having happy discussion at a cafe Group of business owners having happy discussion at a cafe
Group of business owners having happy discussion at a cafe

With the current financial landscape, you would be excused for shying away from trying to make any large financial lending decisions right now.  If you pick up any newspaper (who reads a newspaper anymore) you will likely come across multiple articles pointing out the wrong doings of some of our major banks here in Australia. This can be scary stuff to think about.

All the noise that has been created by the wrong doing within some of the major banks has given some consumers a lack of confidence in “the system” across the board.  Who can you trust?  Who is on your side?  Who is in your corner for the long-term future of your family and or your business?

Rest assured that if you have the right Finance Broker in your corner, you can gain access to non-biased, qualified advice from someone who lives and breathes finance 24/7.  Also, the right Finance Broker will come to you, so you can get access to this experience from the comfort of your own home, work or business.

It has got to be said that it is hard enough to keep up with the changes in lending policy and which financiers are offering the best deals when you live it every day as a Finance Broker, let alone when you only need to think about it every couple of years or so as a business owner or consumer.
So, outside of getting the very best loan approval for their Clients, what does a Finance Broker do all day?
Here are just a few of the things that an Accredited Finance Broker will do day to day to ensure that they can offer the best advice suited to you;

  • Meet with their Clients on a regular basis to ensure that the right cashflow lending options are in place to match the businesses growth expectations.
  • Meet with a family that is investing in their first home or an investment property to help them work through a budget and work out what their lending capacity could be before they hit the open homes this week end.
  • Speak with Clients about their upcoming purchases and what their lending criteria would be for their next car loan, bike loan, boat loan, jet ski loan or personal loan.
  • Sit down with a family to help them work through what’s involved in consolidating some of their debts into one easy repayment to reduce their weekly loan commitments and potentially save them money in the process.
  • Speak with their in-house Financial Planner about a Client’s scenario around superannuation and life insurance policies so they can jointly work out ways to plan for retirement, better protect their Client and their family, protect their assets and hopefully save them money along the way.
  • Keep updated on any new Lenders hitting the market and any new products being offered by Financiers there could literally be hundreds of loan options available.
  • Study which Lenders have tweaked their lending criteria to target a specific demographic within the market a Lender’s appetite can change monthly and if understood properly could save a Client thousands of dollars.
  • Attending Personal Development sessions to improve their knowledge and expertise within a certain industry, for example Business Lending for business owners or Personal Loans for consumers.
  • A good Finance Broker understands that their Client’s needs are changing and just being an experienced Finance Broker isn’t enough to ensure that you can offer the best and most relevant advice today.  Today’s new age Finance Broker understands that they must also have a team of experts on their side that specialise in all areas of not just funding but also Qualified Financial Advice. This means building a team that includes a qualified and accredited Home Loan Broker, Car Loan Broker, Leisure Loan Broker, Personal Lending Broker and Financial Planner to ensure that they can offer the very best advice to their Clients.

The team at Fox Finance Group have spent more than a decade building up their high performing team of industry experts so that you can rest assured that your best interests are at the heart of everything we do. You are also assured that you will always receive the best quality advice available not only today but also long into the future.
Ask yourself these few questions:

  1. Do you have future aspirations and plans in place to build on your family’s wealth, so that you can retire comfortably?
  2. Do you have plans to expand your business or even start your own first business?
  3. Are your weekly commitments out of control and you need some advice on how to reign them back in?
  4. Do You Have Someone Experienced in Your Corner?

Fox Finance Group is one of Australia’s leading personalised financial service organisations. We have spent many years getting things right so that you can rest assured that you are getting the very best financial advice available on the market today. We work for you, not the banks, plus we can have a loan pre-approved ready to go the same day!
As a Fox Finance Group Client, you have access to your very own Accredited Loan Specialist along with access to your very own Qualified Financial Planner. Our team comprises of specialists with many years’ experience in Car Loans, Home Loans, Bike Loans, Boat Loans, Jet Ski Loans, Camper Trailer and Caravan Loans, Truck Loans, Personal Loans, Business Loans, Insurance, Financial Planning and more.  Yes, we have a large team here at Fox Finance Group ready to help you.

We pride ourselves on the unique personalised service that we provide our Clients. Your Loan Specialist can help you either over the phone, via email, at your home, at your work or at your own business. You get their direct email address and mobile number, which makes it easy for you to stay in contact with them when you have questions.

If you are keen to learn more or you are ready to act now, you can contact us on 1300 665 906 or you can get started here


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