How to get your next loan approved If you are having difficulty obtaining a loan then follow our 5-step process which might help you to improve your borrowing capabilities so the next time you apply, your loan is APPROVED! Step…
Yesterday I had cause to call a financial planning client to congratulate them on their lending being approved by our inhouse broking team. It was a complicated lending solution that required many ducks in a row and therefore had taken…
Loan pre-approvals are on the rise! Whether you are buying a car, caravan or even buying your new home it can be an exciting yet daunting time. Over their lifetime, most Australian's apply for between 4 to 5 large loans…
The Australian Government is backing businesses to invest to help the economy withstand and recover from the current economic impacts that are affecting so many Australian Businesses right now. One of the business investment measures is to Increase the Instant…
In a pre-election promise to Australian business owners, the instant asset write-off scheme has been both increased and extended, giving business owners the opportunity to invest in their business as end of financial year draws closer. And it's not just…
Australia is open for business again. Fox Finance Group would like to congratulate Scott Morrison and the Coalition for their re election to govern Australia. With this unexpected win Australia has experienced in the first few days after the vote…
With the current financial landscape, you would be excused for shying away from trying to make any large financial lending decisions right now. If you pick up any newspaper (who reads a newspaper anymore) you will likely come across multiple…
As you might be aware, Commissioner Kenneth Hayne released the report of the Royal Commission into Banking Misconduct on Friday the 1st of February. These recommendations have been met with an increase in fear that competition will be wiped from…
Cast your memory back to the first week in January 2018. You were possibly just going back to work, perhaps heading into your third week of the Christmas holidays totally relaxed and had given up trying to remember what day…
When business owners face slowing business sales and limited growth, the cause behind the issue can often be a lack of capital. Without the right amount of working capital, businesses sometimes find it difficult to take advantage of opportunities that…