By Mike Kappel

If you’re interested in becoming an entrepreneur, you will probably have many questions when starting a business. Every time you think of a new question about building your business, a whole slew of other questions will quickly emerge. There are so many questions to ask before you launch a startup. One begets many!

The endless flow of questions prevents many people from going into business. They get overwhelmed by their own questions. Don’t let this happen to you. If you dwell on the number of questions to answer when starting a business, you will never start looking for answers nor start building your business.

Nobody will ask all the right questions. Nor will anyone have all the answers. That’s OK. You learn as you go; you will make mistakes. Asking business startup questions, even the obvious ones, is a great place for you to begin.

The unknown doesn’t have to be scary.
People don’t like to let questions go without answers. These answerless questions become “unknowns,” which make people uncomfortable. When people are pushed outside their comfort zones, they become intimidated or paralyzed and they won’t start a business.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown scare you. There are always unknowns in life. Any average person can learn to navigate the unknown waters of building a business. It’s not rocket science. It’s trial and error.

Embracing trial and error is an important business skill to develop. You’ll hopefully become more comfortable with the unknown and see that making mistakes is OK. In fact, it’s the mistakes that make you figure out ways to improve your business.

Face your fears.
Here’s the thing: Once you start your business, the questions never stop. You’ll constantly be trying to figure out better ways to do things. New issues and opportunities always come up. You need to figure out how to do payroll, pay taxes, manage inventory, make a profit and hire employees. Starting a business can be scary, but don’t let the questions and fears stop you.

Think about all the other entrepreneurs out there. They were able to get past their fears and start businesses. You can, too.


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