Business Loan Customers Business Loan Customers
Business Loan Customers

The days of having all of your banking accounts and loans with one bank for your whole life are long gone.  The different options for banking and lending that are now available to the consumer and business owners today are huge, and you can use this to your advantage to make sure that you are getting the right deal and save yourself time and money along the way.

According to research which calculates the value of loans settled as a percentage of ABS housing finance commitments, Australian brokers settled $46.1 billion in residential home loans in the quarter to March 2018.

This represents 55.3 per cent of home loans and is 1.7 per cent higher than the March 2017 quarter (53.6 per cent).

People deciding to use a Finance Broker to help them secure the best home loan deal continues to be on the rise and it has been trending this way for some time now.
So how do you take advantage of this? It’s simple, consider finding yourself a “great” Finance Broker to help you shop around and save money.

Here are the top 3 reasons to consider finding yourself a great Finance Financial Services Group.


A great Finance Broker brings competitiveness to the marketplace. A Finance Broker works for you, not the banks.  With between 12,000 to 13,000 individual Finance Brokers being registered with Financiers in Australia so the scene is set to drive competitiveness. A great Finance Broker understands that they really need to look after their Clients to survive.

If a Finance Broker doesn’t offer their Client the best loan offer available on the market today then they don’t get paid. It’s that simple. A great Finance Broker really needs to know their stuff, they need to be qualified and accredited with a wide range of lenders to ensure that their Clients are given the very best loan option on offer today. In some cases, the number of Lenders that a great Finance Broker will be accredited with will be in excess of 30+ Financiers. Within these Lender options there will be hundreds of different variations of loan types and styles available to meet each Client’s needs.

Competitiveness in the marketplace also comes from the fact that the big banks know that the Finance Broker has these varied options available to them to help you take your business elsewhere, so it keeps them on their toes and hungry to keep offering great deals to earn your business.

Customer Service

An experienced and trusted Finance Broker can help you through the ever-changing process of applying for a loan.  They are there every step of the way to answer any questions you may have, especially the ones that you might be scared to ask in fear of sounding like you don’t know what you are talking about.  For the record, you can be excused for not knowing everything about lending in today’s lending marketplace, but as a Finance Broker, it’s our job to know everything there is to know about all lenders and what each Lender is willing to offer our valued Clients today.  We live and breathe loans and lending every day.


Sometimes it can be difficult to get into your bank to speak with someone about a loan during their bank open hours.  A great Finance Broker will come to you at a time that is convenient to you. This might be on a week end or after hours at your work or home. A great Finance Broker will offer you their personal mobile number and email address, so you can stay in touch with them 24/7.  Now that’s the sort of convenience that most people could do with in today’s fast paced society.

Do You Have Someone Experienced in Your Corner?

Fox Finance Group is one of Australia’s leading personalised financial service organisations. We have spent many years getting things right so that you can rest assured that you are getting the very best financial advice available on the market today. We work for you, not the banks, plus we can have a loan pre-approved ready to go the same day!

As a Fox Finance Group Client, you have access to your very own Accredited Loan Specialist along with access to your very own Qualified Financial Planner. Our team comprises of specialists with many years’ experience in Car Loans, Home Loans, Bike Loans, Boat Loans, Jet Ski Loans, Camper Trailer and Caravan Loans, Truck Loans, Personal Loans, Business Loans, Insurance, Financial Planning and more.  Yes, we have a large team here at Fox Finance Group ready to help you.
We pride ourselves on the unique personalised service that we provide our Clients. Your Loan Specialist can help you either over the phone, via email, at your home, at your work or at your own business. You get their direct email address and mobile number, which makes it easy for you to stay in contact with them when you have questions.

If you are keen to learn more or you are ready to act now, you can contact us on 1300 665 906 or you can get started here.


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