Cash is King, or so the old saying goes. This phrase has been instilled into the minds of many Australians (and many across the World) for decades now, but as economies and technology change, is this phrase even still relevant?…
We get asked this question a lot, so we thought that we would put together some helpful information to answer some of your questions. Buying your first home is an exciting time, it can also be an expensive one. Between…
Have you heard about the latest changes that will positively affect you getting approved for a home loan? If you have a home or investment property loan that you'd like to refinance, or have contemplated applying for one or both,…
How to get your next loan approved If you are having difficulty obtaining a loan then follow our 5-step process which might help you to improve your borrowing capabilities so the next time you apply, your loan is APPROVED! Step…
Yesterday I had cause to call a financial planning client to congratulate them on their lending being approved by our inhouse broking team. It was a complicated lending solution that required many ducks in a row and therefore had taken…
Loan pre-approvals are on the rise! Whether you are buying a car, caravan or even buying your new home it can be an exciting yet daunting time. Over their lifetime, most Australian's apply for between 4 to 5 large loans…
As you might be aware, Commissioner Kenneth Hayne released the report of the Royal Commission into Banking Misconduct on Friday the 1st of February. These recommendations have been met with an increase in fear that competition will be wiped from…
Royal Commission and What it Means for Borrowers If they haven't already, most lenders are preparing a major overhaul of the way they assess, and check information provided on loan applications. This includes a "deep-dive analysis" of applicants' income and…
This is the question we should all be asking ourselves when it comes to purchasing a product of any kind, but it can be far more important with some purchases than others. Let's start with some marketing tactics: The best…