There can be many times in life when you need some extra cash. A personal loan is a way to borrow money when you need it and pay it back over time, allowing you to pay for something sooner and…
As the year swiftly draws to a close, we find ourselves on the cusp of the festive season. November, often described as "the calm before the storm", signals a moment to prepare for the impending end-of-year activities. When discussing the…
Getting ready to finance a new car purchase? Waiting to drive off into the sunset in your perfect new vehicle? If so, it’s time to find a car loan that can suit your needs. It’s something that we know all…
In Australia, veterinarians are highly sought after medical professionals due to the refined skills and knowledge in their field. It is common knowledge that most veterinarians have arduous work schedules based on the ever fluctuating demand of treatment for their…
Dreaming of a new car, a big wedding or a dream holiday? Or maybe you want to consolidate your debts into a repayment that saves you on ongoing fees? A personal loan is a gateway to removing financial obstacles so…
Are you in the market for a new car in Australia? If so, you’re probably considering your options for a car loan, joining the millions of Australians that already have some kind of vehicle finance. A car loan pre-approval is…
Are you in the market for a new car? Are you self-employed? If so, you might be anticipating a few obstacles, and not without reason. Self-employment usually adds a few more steps and complications when it comes to getting major…
New or used? It’s a question that many Australians ponder when shopping for a vehicle. At Fox Finance Group, we have helped hundreds of customers to find the perfect car loan, and as Australia’s lending specialists, we can help you…
If your credit score is lower than you prefer, there are some ways you can bring it up to scratch. Just as an example, you can improve your credit score by paying your bills on time and keeping your credit…
A debt consolidation loan can help simplify debts by putting everything in one place and even lowering your payments. This can be a big step towards a better financial future, and we want to help you get there. Continue reading…